Sleeping tight can sometimes be a challenge, especially at cheap inns and motels. Is that ....stain supposed to be there....? And what is that faint smell? Mildew? Gun residue from the drug bust that went down last May? Is there a forgotten garbage bin somewhere?
Even if the room looks perfectly clean, I sometimes suspects the linen to host more bedbugs that I'm comfortable with.
The solution is simple and weights almost nothing: a thing cotton sleeping bag.
This one is made from an old, super-soft, sheet, and a summer curtain grandmother gave me.
Folded up it is the same size as a clutch bag.
Doesn't it look cosy and inviting? Even when I stayed in a room with a pigeon nest outside the window (aka-lots of bird poop), damp walls and no ventilation, I slept like a carefree baby. As long as what is touching my skin is fresh and clean, I can sleep in almost any surroundings. Almost.
I made the opening with buttons, not a zipper.
You can of course buy these, but they tend to be made out of polyester or other synthetic materials. I like to sleep in cotton, something that is soft and breathes. AND easy to wash, ready for the next adventure.