Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Something Rotten

Wearing this I look like I'm auditioning for an amateur Shakespeare production. Bad. In the store I got blinded by the silk, the frills, thinking I somehow could pull this off. Not so much.

You will know from your own experience that the clothes in the back of the closet often only have one flaw, one little thing wrong with them. It's rare that the entire outfit is off, if so, donate immediately to your local charity shop. Even so, one flaw is enough for the skirt/blouse/trousers to be ignored and never we worn again.

In the case of this blouse-thing, it was clearly the excess material around the arms that bothered me. What to do? Rip, tear, take it off.

It was easier than I thought. It was held in place with one lonely seam. Great!

I love undoing, so satisfying. Sip tea, listen to music, snip, snip, snip.
I use this slightly bent scissor, then there is never any danger of cutting the fabric as well, only the thread. You should all get a pair.

15 minutes later the blouse is as good as new, and I can wear it without being mistaken for Benvolio, Amiens or Frontibras. 

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